How to Love Your Guts and Improve Your Health

Kate Tant
5 min readOct 1, 2020
Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

What’s the Big Deal About Gut Health?

I’m sure you’ve heard by now — improving your gut health is all the rage. But what’s all the microbiome hype about anyway? Your gut microbiome is made up of trillions of microorganisms and bacteria that live in your intestinal tract. It does more than just digest your food and absorb nutrients. It plays a role in many other aspects of your health, including your moods, brain function, immune system, hormones, and metabolism. Gut health even affects your weight!

These gut bugs have a huge impact on our health and wellness. It’s no wonder we hear about it everywhere. From health experts on YouTube to yogurt commercials, we’re told how to fix our leaky gut and boost our immune system.

How Do You Know if Your Gut is Out of Whack?

Have you ever experienced bloating, constipation, diarrhea, or indigestion? What about irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), yeast infections, anxiety, or depression? Do you suffer from chronic fatigue, skin irritations, and food allergies? Some of us experience these symptoms every once in a blue moon. But what if you suffer from one or more of these gut health problems on the daily?

Well, that’s how you know your gut is out of whack. The correct term is dysbiosis. It means that the bacteria in your gut is out of balance. You see, you have both “good” bacteria and “bad” bacteria living in your gut microbiome. And when the “bad” bacteria outweighs the “good” bacteria, it leads to a whole host of symptoms. There are many ways dysbiosis can occur:

  • The overuse of antibiotics
  • Excess alcohol and sugar
  • Chronic stress
  • Poor diet
  • Artificial sweeteners

This doesn’t happen overnight. Little by little, your food choices and environmental factors lead to those offensive symptoms. And those symptoms are a sign. It’s your body sending up a flare, telling you it needs reinforcements. So, what can you do?

No, you don’t need any weird concoctions or voodoo tactics.

5 Ways to Love Your Guts

Are you ready for some good news? Shifting your gut bugs from unbalanced to balanced is completely within your reach. No, you don’t need any weird concoctions or voodoo tactics. Natural gut health solutions are simple. It comes down to a handful of lifestyle changes that you can start making right now. Implementing a few new best practices into your daily routine will keep your gut microbiome balanced, happy, and thriving.

1. Reduce Sugar Intake

Eating processed foods and foods high in sugar feeds the yeast-like fungi that are over-taking your gut microbiome. This is the exact opposite of what you want. This causes more inflammation which puts your immune system into overdrive. Have you ever looked in the mirror the morning after eating lots of sugar and thought you looked puffy? That’s inflammation. Chronic inflammation causes a whole host of adverse conditions such as weight gain, depression, anxiety, and digestive issues. Reduce your sugar intake and you’ll reduce inflammation and help bring your gut back in balance.

2. Increase Healthy Foods

Focus on filling your plate with more whole, nutrient-rich foods like vegetables and lean proteins. Prebiotic fiber is a dietary fiber found in fiber-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Prebiotics are food for your beneficial bacteria and help it to grow and thrive. Both prebiotics and probiotics help build a strong, balanced colony of microorganisms. This has the added benefit of giving your immune system a boost. Next time you feel a snack attack coming, reach for a handful of nuts or berries.

3. Reduce Stress

You’ve probably heard about the negative aspects a high-stress lifestyle can have on your health. But did you know that stress can disrupt the delicate balance of microorganisms in your gut? And if your gut ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. I mean think about it. When you get worried and anxious, you can feel it in your belly. It can cause some not so fun digestive issues. There are many ways we can manage and reduce the amount of stress we have. Exercise, meditation, gratitude journals, taking time for fun, socializing with friends, saying no to things that don’t serve you are just a few ideas.

4. Drink Your Water

Hydration plays an important role in digestive function. Think about it. All that waste has to clear on out of your colon. Water helps flush it out. When you stay hydrated, you reduce the risk of constipation. Staying hydrated helps balance the good bacteria in your colon and it is beneficial to the lining of your intestines.

5. Supplement with a Probiotic

Taking a probiotic supplement can help boost the levels of healthy bacteria in your gut. Probiotics are in fermented foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, and kefir. But most people don’t get enough of these foods in their diet. That’s where a quality supplement comes in. Your colon contains billions of these little gut bugs of all different types and species. Your gut microbiome is unique to you.

There are several probiotic strains that are very beneficial:

  • bifidobacterium — protects the lining of your intestine
  • akkermansia — strengthens your gut barrier
  • Lactobacillus — improves digestion
  • saccharomyces boulardii — a beneficial yeast

When you’re searching for a natural probiotic, make sure these strains are on the list. Supplementation, along with a healthy diet, bolsters the delicate balance of your gut microbiome.

A thriving gut microbiome doesn’t happen overnight. There is no magic pill that makes it all better.

Keep the Gut Love Growing

Once you deal with the dysbiosis and rebalance your gut, you’ll notice those awful symptoms slowly going away. The bloating will disappear, taking constipation and indigestion along with it. Skin issues like eczema and psoriasis will clear up and fade. You’ll begin to sleep better and feel happier. And suddenly your bodyweight seems to find its sweet spot.

A thriving gut microbiome doesn’t happen overnight. There is no magic pill that makes it all better. True health and healing takes time. It takes consistent effort day in and day out. If you fall off the wagon, you can jump right back on. Don’t get overwhelmed. You don’t have to change everything all at once. Focus on one at a time. Your gut will thank you.



Kate Tant

Sun & Sand Lover. Please take me to the beach…